Low-Carb Moroccan Vegetable Tagine for Christmas

Ready in 90 minutes

Enjoy this low-carb Moroccan Vegetable Tagine recipe during Christmas! A traditional dish with zucchini, parsley, and ras el hanout.  A true eye-catcher on the dinner table, created by Tajine & Nadine.

Vegetable tagine recipe for 3 servings

Materials you need

  • A tagine (earthenware pot) 25cm (2-3 persons) or 31 cm (4-6 persons)

  • A heat diffuser

  • A gas stove

Ingredients for 3 persons in a small tagine (25cm)

  • 2 zucchinis

  • 1 red bell pepper

  • 1 tomato

  • 3 garlic cloves

  • 1 onion

  • 2 tablespoons ras el hanout

  • 1 tablespoon cumin

  • 50 grams grass fed butter

  • 1 tablespoon aromat

  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon

  • 1 bundle of fresh parsley

  • Salt to taste

  • 1 teaspoon black pepper

  • 1 lemon

  • ½ piece vegetable bouillon

  • 100 millilitres water

  • 100 millilitres extra virgin olive oil

  • 100 millilitres full-fat greek yogurt or creme fraiche to top it off

Instructions for this tagine

A tagine is a very delicate product, made of natural clay. Make sure the tagine has been under water for at least 12 hours before using it, otherwise it will break while cooking. Something you don’t want! After the water treatment let the tagine dry for a day. Now your precious traditional Moroccan tagine is ready to use!

Make sure to use a heat diffuser on a very low-temperature while cooking with the tagine.

Let’s get started!

  1. Stir-fry the onion with the garlic cloves in some butter. This is going to be the first layer in the tagine.

  2. Cut all the veggies in large pieces (3cm). Start building the tagine with the onion and garlic and put all the veggies on top of it in the tagine. You can make nice patterns to make it even a better eye-catcher! Close the tagine while prepping the herb mix.

  3. Now it is time to make the fresh herb mix. Use a bowl to prepare the mixture by mixing all herbs, the olive oil, and the vegetable bouillon.

  4. Your mix is ready! First put 100 millilitres of water in the tagine. After that, cover the vegetables with this mix.

  5. Now cut the fresh parsley and lay it on top of all the veggies with a fresh lemon to finish it off. It looks quite impressive already. You can close the tagine! Make sure the hole on top of the tagine is closed.

  6. Relaxing time. Wait for at least 1.5 hours.

  7. Time’s up! The tagine may be a bit soupy so serve on deep plates. Eat the tagine with full-fat greek yogurt or creme fraiche as a perfect topping.

Enjoy your low-carb tagine dish. BON APPETITO!

Variation: You can use all types of veggies! Also very tasty with almond flour pancakes or the ultimate keto buns on the side to dip in the tagine sauce!

What are you making for Christmas?

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